Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Remind me why we do this again!

I doubt there is anyone who does the Christian event/production/volunteer/crew thing in one way or another that doesn't at some point find themselves trying to remember WHY they do it. It might be 5am on a Sunday morning or standing in the pouring rain ankle deep in mud but we've all been there.

There are a lot of things that inspire me to do what I do. It is a lot of fun most of the time, there is a great sense of cameraderie with the amazing people I get to work with, sometimes there is even a bit of glamour to it all but there are other times when it is almost too hard and none of those things are enough.

At a recent meeting for Carols in the City (one of the many events I am involved in) the following verse was shared with us by Wendy Francis & it really hit me for the first time...
1 Thesalonians 1:3 "We continually remember before our God and Father your WORK produced by FAITH, your LABOR prompted by LOVE, and your ENDURANCE inspired by HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ." (emphasis mine)
I was reminded that I didn't start this journey for recognition - my labour was prompted by LOVE.

I don't stack chairs, roll cables or stand in the rain for money, fun or even primarily for friendship - my work is produced by FAITH.

AND - when I am sore, tired and feeling unappreciated I keep going because of an endurance that is inspired by HOPE.
1 Corinthians 13:13 "And now these three remain: FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. But the greatest of these is love." (emphasis mine)

1 comment:

Jeffros said...

hmmm, so true on so many levels. thanks for sharing. Jeff